Embarking on a journey from GCP (Google Cloud Platform) to the Microsoft Azure, I find myself at the crossroads of technological transition. Having honed my skills within the realms of GCP, I will soon be working in a company where Microsoft Azure is used. As I embark on this transformative journey, I invite you to join me through this blog, where I document my experiences, insights, and challenges encountered along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned GCP enthusiast looking to explore Azure’s vast horizons or a curious newcomer eager to delve into the world of cloud computing, there’s something here for everyone.

How to Decide?

Azure and GCP boast numerous AI tools, with Azure excelling in Microsoft products and GCP in Google products like Google Sheets and Analytics.

Why Azure

Beyond its robust security, Azure offers a secure environment for leveraging OpenAI services, making it ideal for innovation while protecting proprietary data.

Notable users of Microsoft Azure:

  • Bosch
  • Audi
  • ASOS
  • HSBC
  • Starbucks
  • FedEx
  • Walmart
  • HP
  • Mitsubishi Electric
  • Renault


GCP is tailored for data processing and AI development, offering seamless integration with Google’s suite of services like Google Workspace, making it the go-to platform for navigating Google’s digital realm.

Notable users of Google Cloud Platform:

  • Toyota
  • Equifax
  • Nintendo
  • Spotify
  • Target
  • Twitter
  • Paypal
  • UPS
  • Grap


Type Description GCP Azure
Entity Org Organization Management Group, Tenant
Entity Org Folder Subscription
Entity Org Project Resource Group
Entity Org Service Account Service Principal
Entity Org Workload Identity Managed Identity
Entity Org User User
Entity Org Service Resource

Container Application

  • Unopinionated Containers: any container image, no restrictions
  • Opinionated Containers: specific base image or programming model required
  • Container Instance => for Single Container, Conctainer Apps => for Microservices


x Full Custom Infra Custom Infra Managed Infra Full Managed Infra
Unopinionated Containers VM AKS Container Instances Container Apps
Medium x ARO (Azure Redhat OpenShift) x Spring Apps
Opinionated Containers x App Services x Azure Functions (Event-Driven-Func), Web App Container (API App)


x Full Custom Infra Custom Infra Managed Infra Full Managed Infra
Unopinionated containers Compute Engine GKE x Cloud Run
Medium x x x x
Opinionated Containers x App Engine x Cloud Functions

Another Services

Type Description GCP Azure
Compute IaaS Compute Engine Virtual Machines
Compute PaaS App Engine App Services
Compute FaaS Cloud Functions Azure Function
Compute CaaS GKE AKS
Compute CaaS Cloud Run Container Apps
Networking Cloud Network Cloud Virtual Network VNet
Networking Load Balancer Cloud LB Load balancing
Networking CDN Cloud CDN Azure CDN
Storage Object Storage Cloud Storage Azure Blob and Data Lake Storage
Storage Disk Storage Cloud Persistent Disks Azure Disk Storage
Storage File Storage Filestore Azure Files, Azure NetApp Files
Storage Queue Storage Cloud Storage Azure Queue Storage
Storage NOSQL DB (Low Performance) Datastore Table Storage
Storage NOSQL DB (High Performance) BigTable Cosmos DB
Storage SQL DB SQL SQL Database
Storage Disk Persistent Disk Azure Disk
BigData DWH BigQuery SQL Warehouse
BigData Butch Data Processing Dataproc Data Factory
BigData Stream Data Processing Dataflow Stream Analytics
BigData Event Data Processing PubSub IoT Hub
Developer Deployment Deployment Manager Resource Manager
Developer Git Repo Source Repositries Azure Repos
Developer Artifact Repo Artifact Registry Container Registry
Developer DevOps Cloud Build Azure DevOps
Observability Tracing Cloud Trace Service Bus
Observability Logging Cloud Logging Log Analysis
Observability Debugfing Cloud Debugger Visual Studio
Security Key Management KMS Key Vault
Security Identity Access Management IAM Active Directory
Security Identity Access Management (New) IAM Entra Id
Security Security Check Security Scanner Azure Security Center

Storage Account

A storage account offers four types of storage

  • blob storage (Unstructured data)
  • file storage (File Shares)
  • table storage (Structured or semi-structured data)
  • queue storage (Large numbers of messages)

Cloud CLI

Create a Project

gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID --name="Happy project"

# Azure
az group create -l $LOCATION -n $RESOURCE_NAME

Set a Project

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

# Azure
az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_NAME

Check the Currently Active Configuration

gcloud config list

# Azure
az account show